
Random Stuff

In no particular order...

  • I cried during the inauguration. I didn't think I would. But to see Obama walk down the stairs of the Capitol towards the platform with such self-respect and dignity, well, my heart just swelled with pride and the tears started to fall. 
  • My father, on the other hand, was extremely emotionally invested in this election. He grew up in southern Virginia during the 1950s and saw racism and segregation first hand. He sends ebullient emails about Obama and how proud he finally is of our country. "If my father were still alive," he said, "this would have killed him."
  • I finally feel proud of our country too. My generation has been an amazing witness to history: 9/11, Obama... I can't imagine what comes next. I hope it's more good stuff. Still, I think my father might be beating me: he got all this PLUS seeing a man on the moon. That would have kicked serious ass.
  • I have had to turn on the heat. I'm tired of being just a little too chilly. It kicks in quickly, and already I feel less prickly. However, it's accompanied by that terrible burning-dust smell. If only we could make the heater smell like flowers, or freshly-baked cookies. Well, I suppose I could make that one happen, though that involves the oven, not the heater.
  • Lola does not like to be walked in the mornings. I don't know why, just that it's supremely annoying for me. She stops, sits there, scratching her ears and staring at me. I have to yank on her leash sometimes, which I know is bad dog parenting, but she gives me no choice. It is extremely frustrating. Maybe it's too early for her. Tomorrow, I will try walking her around noon to see if she behaves any better. Fortunately, because she is electronic, she will not poop in the house.
  • I am seeing a new accountant today. I'm a little nervous: financial things stress me out. Not only am I bad at math, I have all sorts of baggage when it comes to money. Maybe I would feel better if the baggage were designer and made from soft leather.
  • I don't know why more people at the inauguration weren't wearing hats. It was very cold there! William Henry Harrison died as a result of exposure during his inauguration. That should be a lesson! There are many classy pieces of headgear available out there... don't know why people couldn't have found themselves some. At least Aretha was on the ball. 
  • It is cold enough here that I may wear a hat to meet with my accountant. My "hat of hiding" that I used to wear to the office and put on when I was having a bad day is in storage. But I have several nice hats here that I can use. I wore one to my playwrights' group last night, both to keep me warm, and because I was feeling artsy.
  • I am supposed to work on "taking up more space." 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

the dog is not real. :)

i love the idea of a hat of hiding.