
Time Manager Wanted

Mornings are my time. My chance to actually get things done. I have about 2ish hours between wake-up time and when I start work, and  generally this is when I do the majority of my personal tasks. Of course I never feel like I get things done, and struggle constantly with this. 

Of course most of you want to strangle me right now for feeling this way. Yes, I work from home and yes, I have a flexible schedule. But I'm still trying to juggle personal enrichment, health and hygiene, domestic duties, gainful employment, and the pursuit of my dream (which the IRS will most likely decide is a hobby... sigh), and it's just a lot. I'm not asking for sympathy. I swear. Instead, I pretty much know that I don't manage my time well. Just as one creates a budget to track spending, or a food log to track eating, I really ought to track how I use my time.

So far this morning, I...

- Sept for an extra 45 minutes. Sigh
- Ate cereal and drank coffee; took my vitamins
- Listened to Morning Edition
- Finished reading February's RealSimple magazine
- Read another chapter in The Count of Monte Cristo
- Fed and walked Lola, my virtual dog
- Checked 3 email accounts, read my RSS feed, and looked in on my sheep in Facebook
- Reviewed some financial stuff, in preparation for my 08 record gathering
- Made the bed
- Showered and got dressed; flossed
- Wrote this blog post

It's a nice list, sure. I did get things done, and did manage to mix some "acceptably productive" things (financials, showering, flossing, Monte Cristo) in with some less "acceptably productive" things (virtual pet care). 

But notice how the list didn't include things like responding to emails that should be answered, finishing the short winter holiday play, or working on the full-length pieces. These things did not move me in the direction of "pursuit of dreams."

Do I need to assign priorities to things? Is this all really just the grating voice in my head of my hyper-Puritan upbringing, where "all Work and No Play makes you Good. Oh, by the way, Work means responsible employment in a corporation where you can be a cog in a machine, even if you hate it." Probably. 

Still, there is the undeniable fact that plays are not being written by me. Am unsure how to rectify the situation. I wish I could hire someone to help me... there are financial advisors for money, and personal trainers for fitness, but who can help you better manage your time?

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