
Happy New Year!

It's 2010. Can you even believe it? I can't. Of course, that's probably because I'm so tired from being up until 2am. I'm, like, old now. I can't do that any more. Oh, sorry... I was just informed that I won't be old until TOMORROW. Ok. Party on.

I have new goal things I'm working towards this year. In lieu of resolutions, I'm actually planning goals and creating action items and metrics. Lest you think it's something lofty, some of these goal are "Moisturize face twice a day" and "Always carry reusable bags when shopping." Sure, there are a couple of lofty things on there, but I'm not going to tell you what they are. Because if I fail, you might make fun of me. No, you wouldn't do that. That's nice.

But I figure I can use this blog to track some of the goals, like the ones about the books that I read and the music that I listen to -- that's fairly interesting. Plus, one of the goals is (as before) to blog more regularly. Maybe all of these things will work together, in a seamless integration of time and action.

Or maybe I just need more coffee.

2010 is going to be great!

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