

Well, I am a day late (but hopefully not a dollar short). But that's ok, because a day late is better than nothing, and we get up on that horse and we just keep swimming, etc, etc. I gotta say, I feel better than I have in years. I credit the warm Florida sun, my comforting home with Cabana Boy, and lots and lots of acupuncture.

Each session, we do all sorts of things and stick needles in the craziest of places. Like, did you know that a needle placed in your outer thigh can relieve TMJ symptoms? Seems crazy, but it WORKS. Last time, I had needles threaded through my hairline and one stuck directly in the palm of my hand (insert your own Jesus joke here). No matter where I get pricked, I always end up feeling better.

Instead of wasting unquantified amounts of energy fretting over this or that, over wallowing in self-pity, and maintaining paralysis in the face of fear and opportunity, I am able to do other things. Like write, and exercise, and sleep. But now, having erased all that crap, I have this blank page just waiting to be filled up (with good things).

It's the goal setting process that freaks me out a little bit. I'm not going to tell you what my goals are, because studies show that doing so weakens one's resolve (because you feel productive just by mentioning it... like if I were to say "I've met Edward Albee" and then think that I can skip a day of writing because I'm that much closer to being a playwright). Like, because I am naturally a bit high-strung, I have lots of things I want to accomplish, and thus yield many, many goals. Great! Except I still have the same amount of time in the day that I did when I was moping.

I am reading a bunch of blogs on the subject, and I'm trying a bunch of strategies. I'll report back if any of them work. Right now, I'm considering breaking them into small chunks, so that I do a little bit each day. Sort of like with a box of Mini Bite-Size Chocolate Frosted Mini-Wheats... they're really small, but you'd be amazed at how quickly you can consume an entire box.

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