

Oh, poor neglected bloggy-blog. I am so sorry... I have been so absent. It's not that I don't think of you fondly and often. It's just that I am a master of procrastination and avoidance. Or maybe you've been secretly keeping me at bay, retribution for referring to you as "bloggy-blog." Deal with it.

I feel like maybe I would blog more if I had the right tool. Not tool as in software, as I think Blogger is perfectly fine for my low-flash, high-text posts. And not really tool as in computer, since there are more computers in residence here than people. But I want to not be trapped in the house, and yet also not be lugging around heavy laptop bags that I can't leave unattended for a quick potty break or stored in a hot car.

So of course, I think about going mobile. I am not ashamed to admit that I crush on the iPhone. If it weren't for that wretched AT&T service, I would be all over that. And then I seriously considered the iPod touch for a while back around January... and I flipped and flopped all spring long. But I couldn't quite see the value, until I started using Evernote and Sparkpeople, and suddenly there were all of these things that I wanted to do while I was out in the world! So I started flipping again, but I knew I had to wait until September for the new Apple announcement. There were rumors of an iPod touch with a camera (WANT for sure!) and even the potential for an iPad.

In the meantime, there was the PalmPre. Pretty sweet! And Sprint has a good value plan, and I'd only have to carry one device. But it would mean switching to Sprint. And then there's the Google phone, which totally owns me now that they use the Cat Stevens song in their commercial. But after yesterday's Gmail outage, I'm wary of commiting all of my online life to Google. Or maybe I just want an old-school Blackberry.

To make matters worse, there are netbooks. I adore netbooks. Except for the typing bit. Which is ironic, perhaps, because I'm pretty sure that heavy typing on the iPhone/Touch is going to be really challenging too. Now there are netbooks that come with broadband cards, and the new MiFi personal wireless hubs. So, so, so tempting. Because then I could be online with my mobile device, or with my laptop, and even hook up several of my friends. Good for work and play!

But then I go back and forth, back and forth. Get a netbook! Just get a smartphone. Get a new iPod! No, you want a netbook! I will wait until September 9th to see what Apple has to offer, and then I will make my decision. But whatever I end up with has to fit in a normal handbag, so I can take it to the bathroom with me and carry it around the grocery store.

P.S. My favorite thing, of course, is actually still pen and paper. But there's that annoying interim step of how to get handwritten things nicely typed up. Yet another tick in the "Hope for an iPad" column.


OhChiik said...

Yeah, I have yet to dust off my own bloggy blog. I actually have five lengthy posts all written out in my notebook, but to get them nicely typed up seems to require so much effort it is daunting. For me, technology is an excuse. The real reason I no longer update my chronicle of crap is that I lack an audience (deservedly). Also, I'm overwhelmed by the sheer amount of ideas that require comment--access would really exacerbate the anxiety, I think.

Miranda Sunshine said...

I am your audience. I think you are bright, expressive, and witty. So I disagree about the "crap" bit. However, I'm totally feeling you on the "I have too many ideas" thing. Too bad we don't just get to sit and do this all day.