
AM = Anti-morning

I have been slacking off on the blogging lately. On lots of things, including virtual pet care (though I still manage to feed Lola every day). Because I have been sleeping.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I am so tired in the mornings! Maybe this is because we go to bed later some nights, or we're exercising more, but I just cannot wake up in the morning. The alarm goes off at 6:30, and I turn it off, and Cabana Boy gets up. I roll over, barely conscious, for another 45 minutes. When he comes in after his shower, my eyes open into tiny slits and search vainly for his form. Must focus... must try for sight. It's hard. And then I blink naturally, but the eyes stay closed for longer than they would normally. Sleep is tugging me back, while my longing to embrace him and tell him "drive safely" works to keep me conscious for just a few moments longer. Instantly, I am asleep again, and dreaming. (Is so much REM sleep normal? Should I have this looked at?)

This is not new for me. I've never been a very good morning person. I want to so desperately to be. I want to get up with the sun, and drink my coffee and read and write, go to yoga, and do all of these things before going to work. Mostly, in my life, I was the person who hit the snooze button repeatedly, sometimes for HOURS. 

What I need, the moment I hear the alarm, is to dash open the blinds. I know that streaming sunlight will burn off the fog of sleep. This is part of the problem, I'm starting to realize. When the alarm goes off, the sun isn't up yet. Just now, I googled it. Sunrise here is at 6:54AM. Well, that explains it. If I am getting up with the sun, I should be setting an alarm for 24 minutes later. It's like our own Floridian version of SAD. 

I will try it tomorrow. Anything to keep me from sleeping until 8:30. It feels gluttonous, and only leads to more dreams, which is never good*. Plus, I wake up groggy. On the up side, the coffee is getting better.

*Random side note: Is this why Freddy Krueger always freaked me out so much? Or maybe it was this movie, which I watched too often on HBO as a child.

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