

I feel the sugar coursing through my system, not unlike the sensation of taking a muscle relaxant or a powerful painkiller. My heart is pumping it into every vein and capillary. I am scared to drink the rest of my coffee, as then I might have too many stimulants and will be facing a big crash. Still, it will keep me away from the trick-or-treat candy, which I've now opened and poured into the big plastic pumpkin.

Actually, Count Chocula has less sugar per serving than our fancy organic granola. Who knew?

I've pulled the Buffy Halloween episodes and will watch them while I do some work. It's safe and comforting to work to Buffy, since I've seen all of these episodes dozens of times. In fact, it's probably more soothing than the classical music on our public radio station. 

Speaking of, NPR has gotten into the spirit this morning by telling us stories about a cop who dresses up as Batman to get drivers to slowdown and a haunted local theater (where I have spent many hours), and featured an interview with Goosebumps writer R.L. Stine. Mentions of John McCain, Sarah Palin, and that ridiculous congresswoman from Minnesota were extremely scary, but seem to be purely coincidental.

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