

Back from the gym. Wore the used "vintage" t-shirt my mother sent, figuring it would serve a purpose. I was wrong about the cat hair. 

Ate lunch of butternut squash and eggplant over brown rice. See, when the two vegetables are cooked, they become lovely shades of orange and black. The perfect Halloween meal... assuming eggplant doesn't make your tongue swell up.

Going to get dressed and go out now, to run a few errands. It's that melancholy time of day -- it's when most people want to nap -- and it's not helped by the grey clouds rolling in. Still, it will make a holiday honoring the dead feel that much more mournful. 

Or maybe it's not melancholy at all; maybe it's just a sugar crash. To repair it, I ate a cupcake. See, I made two dozen cupcakes yesterday -- my favorite cupcakes, the cupcakes of legend -- for Cabana Boy to take to his office. I ate just one, because it got all misshapen, and besides, I had to make sure they tasted okay. But that was it. I drew the line at one. After I packed them up, I had one left over, one lonely cupcake that couldn't fit in with the others. So I packed him up special, all by himself, and promised that I'd save him for today. 

When I took him out of the refrigerator, he was moist and chewy, but still rich and dense. The cream cheese filling had stayed cool and fresh, and the chocolate chips inside began to melt the moment they hit my tongue. He was the perfect cupcake.

Ok, off the world now. Oh! We just got canvassed! At least it was by the right team.

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